Saturday, 13 November 2010

Final Thoughts.

Now that my project is pretty much complete I wanted to evaluate what I've done and how I feel about the project.

I feel my photo shoot went really well considering have I only studied photography on one other project before I came to university.

I think the final 5 photos I have chosen to represent my interpretation of the brief work really well together. As a collective they're pretty effective in the way of making the viewer look at relationships and as I stated in a previous blog - however cheesy it may sound - they make you smile when you see the bonds the people share in the photos - and this automatically makes me feel as though I've achieved something.

Although I'm on is a Fashion course I decided to take the project as it came to me, and rather than making it obviously about fashion, with it being a photography brief and about the theme "What 'Heart' means to you," I decided to really interpret what 'Heart' actually meant to me and, in the way of emotions, covering different types of relationships and what they mean to people, I think does this. However I believe featuring the quote from Audrey Hepburn adds a really subtle Fashion edge to the project.
In terms of answering the brief set by the British Heart Foundation I think I've answered it rather successfully and I'm really proud of what I've created with the basic photography knowledge that I had.
Also being able to edit the photos and work on Photoshop allowed me to work on the skills I've been learning in my CAD sessions and develop them.

If I was to do the project again, or be given a smiliar project, I would maybe take a different approach and look at making the shoot entirely fashion related, or look at the other side of what 'Heart' meant to me in the way of the actual organ etc. Both of these I think would be effective. I would also maybe look at editing the pictures in a different way to expand on the techniques I used e.g. edit each photograph different - so maybe learn how to blend some images, or edit some in colour or different tones instead of just black & white too add variety to the photos.

However overall I'm pleased with how my project has turned out, I've enjoyed working on the brief and creating a photo shoot by myself for the first time. I've also really enjoyed working on a blog as a change to sketchbooks and I'm really happy with how the photographs have turned out!

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